Community Book Event

Students in Facing History and Ourselves classes will host an event for the community to discuss the book Night, a Holocaust survivor memoir by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Elie Wiesel. For details about the event, contact the class instructor, David Cohen.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Road to NIGHT

This week, our class got its first exposure of Night and the planning of the event. We discussed what we wanted the event to be like and what we wanted our guests to get out of it. For inspiration, we were shown an example of what Facing History and Ourselves students in Tennessee did at their event. The article was proof of how students can change the community, one of our goals for this event.
Mr. Cohen gave us the basic facts: 11 million dead, Germany losing World War 1, etc. It wasn't until Mark Davis from the regional office of Facing History and Ourselves came and immersed us in the Holocaust by activities. There was propaganda all over the room. We were to discuss our "favorites" with our small groups. Whatever the piece, my small group concluded how unnatural it would be for us to publicize words or drawings degrading people because of what they were born into. Studying this material, its hard to think that this is only the beginning.

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