Community Book Event

Students in Facing History and Ourselves classes will host an event for the community to discuss the book Night, a Holocaust survivor memoir by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Elie Wiesel. For details about the event, contact the class instructor, David Cohen.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Our Progress in Pictures

Hola! I'm Mia, a photographer for the Night event. Even though I'm not necessarily a 'blogger,' I have some snazzy pictures to show readers our progress for the Night event, and some general info about the class!

First of all, this is out teacher Mr. Cohen. He's the main organizer for the event, and in charge of making sure we do all our work!
Then there is us, the period 1 students, always hard at work in preparation for the event (which is in a mere week!).
...well, unless we're looking at pictures in food blogs (how can you blame us!).
Anyways, in preparation for the Night Event, which will be held at Paly next Wednesday, March 23, the class has been divided into groups with different roles for the event. Below we have some group facilitators, the ever so essential heart and soul of the event. They will be holding discussions that will not only tackle issues mentioned in Night, but also ones dealing with the Holocaust and Elie Wiesel's life.
Along with the group facilitators, we also have a group of people making posters, opening and closing speakers, program designers, event designers, and more. We even have a documentary in the making. That's pretty exciting!

Basically, we're all working extremely hard to make the Night event a success (and the work doesn't end it class (well, at least for me) evidenced by me writing this blog on a Friday night (though it was my choice)).
I hope you are planning on attending the Night event next Wednesday, March 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M at the Paly library and selected classrooms. While this event should be fun, it will also be extremely intellectually stimulating (and even a teeny bit mind boggling!).

Come with knowledge about the book Night and an open mind. We look forward to seeing you there!

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